So, my plugin have some commands and here I'll try to describe all commands
First I should mention that all commands are located behind one command as subcommands.
Main plugin command is /ntdluckyblock
(With aliases /lb
and /luckyblock
System commands
/ntdluckyblock version
- Command to get running version, last version from SpigotMC (So you will know that there is an update available), plugin type (premium or free), internal build number, last update date (It may be wrong, because I change it manually), plugin author (Of course it is a danirod12 aka DenBeKKer)/ntdluckyblock checkforupdates
- Command to check for updates. I am strongly convinced that all my customers should run last version, because old versions may contain critical issues
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.checkforupdates
/ntdluckyblock support
- Command to get URLs to my discord support server and VK (Russian). Feel free to ask all questions
⚠ Permission required for
/ntdluckyblock reload
- Command to reload plugin (Reload config, language, all LuckyBlock instances, GUI manager, mineable config, bedwars configs and so on)
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.reload
/ntdluckyblock convert
- Command for premium version to convert all your LuckyBlock configs to
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.convert
JSON format. This action is required for edit GUI featurestip
You should convert all configs to JSON format in premium version. It is really important
version all configs except default ones are generated in JSON format in premium version/ntdluckyblock destroy <chunk/radius/(<xyz> [xyz] [world])> [-all] [-silent]
- Command to destroy broken LuckyBlocks (Floating head without glass) or just LuckyBlocks. You should provide at least one argument. You have 4 options to run command with:- Radius. Destroys in radius from player (Example:
lb destroy 10
) - World
. Destroys in player's chunk (Example:lb destroy chunk
) - Location
x y z
. Destroys at block (Example:lb destroy 100 0 100
orlb destroy 100 0 100 world_the_end
) - Area
x y z x y z
. Destroys ar area (Example:lb destroy 0 0 0 20 20 20 world
) - Can add
to destroy all LuckyBlocks (Not only corrupted). (Example:lb destroy 0 0 0 -all
) - Can add
to not produce an output. (Example:lb destroy 0 0 0 2 3 4 world -all -silent
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.destroy
- Radius. Destroys in radius from player (Example:
/ntdluckyblock generate <type> <factory> <min> <max>
- Regenerate config with new LuckyEntries. First argument - LuckyBlock type (For instance,yellow
), second argument - factory version (Recommendedlatest
), third and last argument - min and max entry drops. ⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.generate
This command drops all setups inside LuckyBlock configuration. Prepare a backup
/ntdluckyblock generate yellow latest 100 150
will drop yellow configuration and insert from 100 to 150 entry drops/ntdluckyblock list
- Command to get all LuckyBlocks statuses (Enabled or disabled, entries amount, recipes amount (Premium version contains a feature to all custom recipes for your LuckyBlocks))
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.list
LuckyBlock get commands
/ntdluckyblock get <type/random> <amount>
- Command to get LuckyBlocks. First argument - LuckyBlock type (LuckyBlock should be enabled and loaded) and the second optional argument is for amount
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.get
(If per color permission feature is enabled in config)/ntdluckyblock give <name/all/world> <type/random> <amount>
- Command to give LuckyBlocks. First argument could be a player name orall
word orworld
word. Note thatworld
argument could be used only from player (Not from console). As with get command, LuckyBlock should be loaded.
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.give
(If per color permission feature is enabled in config)/ntdluckyblock place [world/p:PlayerName] <x> <y> <z> <type> [-silent]
- Command to place LuckyBlock. World argument is optional if this command is executing from player. Otherwise, world argument is required. You can use offsets for x, y and z if command was used by a player or a player target is involved (For instance,/lb place ~ ~-1 ~ yellow
place YELLOW LuckyBlock under the player executor or/lb place p:md_5 ~ ~2 ~ black
will place a BLACK one above themd_5
. Another example is to place a LuckyBlock at world_the_end at 100 50 40:/lb place world_the_end 100 50 40 random -s
). You can pass latest argument as-silent
and you will get no output (on console)
⚠ Permission required for<type>
(Or with*
Item management commands (Custom items, NBT convert)
/ntdluckyblock iteminfo
- Command to print holding in hand item info. This command checks if item is a CustomItem, checks if it is a LuckyBlock (Also, checks if this LuckyBlock is outdated), prints material Bukkit type for legacy setup and if you add-tag
argument this command will also print item NBT tag and JSON format for premium version. Also, I have added a feature to write this output to file, because it is hard to copy something from chat. You can add-write
argument to get a file nameditem-tags.txt
with NBT data, JSON format and Bukkit material type.
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.iteminfo
/ntdluckyblock customitemslist
- Command to get all enabled Custom items list for further using in customitemget command or legacy format
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.customitemslist
/ntdluckyblock customitemget <name>
- Command to get custom item by name. If item was registered by LuckyBlock plugin it could be a simple item name, but if this plugin was registered by an addon, you should pass full item idplugin-itemname
(For instance,ntdluckyblock-magic_wool
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.customitemget
/ntdluckyblock itemtojson
command for premium version only. Use/ntdluckyblock iteminfo -tag
Shop and edit GUI command
/ntdluckyblock gui <shop/edit>
- Command to open shop or edit gui (Edit gui is available in premium version only)
⚠ Permission required for command:luckyblock.command.gui
(For instance,