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LuckyBlock setup

Custom texture

You can set custom texture for LuckyBlocks. By default, LuckyBlocks have build-in textures that can be found there
Texture format is unique id from skull url (Example: 8534b17d2d3b5a64c57f5f080dd777945761d9f71d82e8f599f242976e4d0c05).
You can find it at the bottom of the heads page at


Incorrect texture will break LuckyBlock texture to steve
Sometimes minecraft client lags, please check texture from more than one pc if you suppose that custom texture
is not working. It should work!


GeySer works bad with textures. We are not supporting GeySer. Texture may be a steve even with default setup

Moreover, with premium version you can change item for LuckyBlock inside glass! (Config option custom-head)
You should pass json format item to it (You can get this format using command /lb ii -tag -write, commands info) Example:

enabled: true
item: '{"type":"GOLD_BLOCK","amount":1,"tag":""}'

gold block

You can create custom texture using resource pack. It could be with animation: video mirror

Custom name and lore

  • You can set custom name (Item name) for LuckyBlocks. By default, it is &<color_code><COLOR_NAME> LuckyBlock.
    Enter new name to name field like name: "&4My cool LuckyBlock name". You can use same names for all LuckyBlocks. You can use colors with & symbol (Or hex using &#rrggbb)

  • You can also change custom system name (Will be used as a color for give commands and more).
    Enter new name to custom_name field like custom_name: "YELLOW"


    Do not use colors for system name

  • You can change lore. Enter new lore to lore field:

    - "&7Oh boy, place me :D"
    - "&7I am a LuckyBlock &6^_^"

Shop & options

You can sell LuckyBlocks using command /ntdluckyblock gui get. Setup:

  • You can toggle LuckyBlock from being sold by setting shop: false.
  • You can toggle LuckyBlock's cost by setting price: <amount> (Example: price: 250)
  • You can toggle LuckyBlock's economy by setting eco: false. LuckyBlock will be available for free in the shop

If shop is not working check permissions luckyblock.gui.get or luckyblock.gui.get.<color> based on your config setup

Drop formats


If you came here and owning premium version, close this page and use /ntdluckyblock gui edit!
This system is not a joke, you SHOULD use in-game editor only for setup in premium version
Yes, you can still add drops using legacy style and convert in after, but it is kinda stupid. Only exception I can make. Now premium in-game editor do not support schematics :( and you could add it using legacy format only, but nothing else. Please use in-game editor.

  • Legacy (free version) style:
    You can add as many drops as you want.
    All LuckyDrops split with unique names.
    If you want to add new LuckyDrop you must add a new field drop.number and describe LuckyDrop using string list. Example:

    - description
    - description...
    - description
    • You can find available descriptions at LuckyDrop types section. But before reading it you must familiarize with my arguments designations.
    • I will use [] for required arguments and <> for not required arguments. I will use <<>> for unlimited/a large number of not required arguments.
    • LuckyDrop format will represent TYPE : [argument] : <argument> : <<arguments>> All arguments will be split with : (: with two spaces each side)
  • JSON (Premium version) style


    If you are from free version, skip JSON style, otherwise.. Please stop.. Use in-game editor.... If you are SO stubborn, you can use /ntdluckyblock iteminfo (Read more at commands page) to get JSON format for item holding in hand

    You can add LuckyDrops using legacy format and convert to JSON style using command /ntdluckyblock convert
    JSON format style example:

    chance: CHANCE
    class: 'Clazz'
    json: '{Json class instance}'
    class: 'Clazz'
    json: '{Json class instance}'
    chance: CHANCE
    class: 'Clazz'
    json: '{Json class instance}'

LuckyDrop types


Read careful all styles. Legacy format is made for free version and limited in functionalities.
You cannot add NBT items and there may be some small issues, but you can anyway use free version, it was developed with love (Originally I have not even planned premium version and legacy format was main)

Topics below presents key type and arguments map, read style again:

  • You can find available descriptions at LuckyDrop types section. But before reading it you must familiarize with my arguments designations.
  • I will use [] for required arguments and <> for not required arguments. I will use <<>> for unlimited/a large number of not required arguments.
  • LuckyDrop format will represent TYPE : [argument] : <argument> : <<arguments>> All arguments will be split with : (: with two spaces each side)

CommandDrop (COMMAND)

Dispatch a command by a player

  • Arguments map: [command]
  • Description example: "COMMAND : say Hello %player%!"
  • Additional Information: You can use placeholders in string-based drops, read more at the bottom on page

ConsoleDrop (OPPED)

Dispatch a command by an opped player

  • Arguments map: [command]
  • Description example: "OPPED : gamemode creative"
  • Additional Information: You can use placeholders in string-based drops, read more at the bottom on page

ConsoleDrop (CONSOLE)

Dispatch a command by console

  • Arguments map: [command]
  • Description example: "CONSOLE : give %player% diamond"
  • Additional Information: You can use placeholders in string-based drops, read more at the bottom on page

EntityDrop (ENTITY)

Summon an entity

  • Arguments map: [entity type] <amount>
  • Description example: "ENTITY : GHAST", "ENTITY : GHAST : 4"
  • Additional Information: You can find entity types here

ItemDrop (ITEM)

Drop an item

  • Arguments map: [material] [amount] [data] <name> <<[enchantment] [level]>>
  • Description example: "ITEM : IRON_SWORD : 1 : 0", "ITEM : IRON_SWORD : 1 : 0 : Iron sword : DAMAGE_ALL : 2"
  • Additional Information: For 1.8 - 1.12 servers data will change multiblock types (Wool color (Example WOOL : 1 : 14 - one red wool), stone type) and also tools corruption. For 1.13+ servers you must provide data "0" for all blocks and corruption amount for tools.

CustomItemDrop (CUSTOM_ITEM)

Drop a custom item from LuckyBlock plugin (Or any other plugin hooked into mine)

  • Arguments map: [item id] <amount>
  • Description example: CUSTOM_ITEM : magic_wool : 5
  • Additional Information: You can get custom items list using /ntdluckyblock customitemslist


Drop a LuckyBlock as an item

  • Arguments map: [type] <amount>
  • Additional Information: Check if your LuckyBlock is enabled (How we can drop a red LuckyBlock if it was disabled?)

MessageDrop (MESSAGE)

Send a message to player

  • Arguments map: [message]
  • Description example: "MESSAGE : Hello %player%!"
  • Additional Information: You can use placeholders in string-based drops, read more at the bottom on page

SchematicDrop (SCHEMATIC)

  • Arguments map: [file] [type] <air>
  • Description example: "SCHEMATIC : bedrock_problem : BLOCK", "SCHEMATIC : big_house : PLAYER : true"
  • Additional Information: Schematic have two types BLOCK and PLAYER. This is responsible for where the schematic will be inserted.
  • The last argument represents if schematic air will be pasted (When true it is same as WE command //paste -a)

    The name (Like bedrock_problem, big_house) is a name of schematic without format type in directory ./plugins/ntdLuckyBlock/schematics/. For instance, bedrock_problem.schem, big_house.schematic

PigSpecial (PIG)

  • Special arguments map: <amount>
  • Description example: "SPECIAL : PIG", SPECIAL : PIG : 4

WaterBucketSpecial (WATER_BUCKET)

  • Special arguments map: <height>
  • Description example: "SPECIAL : WATER_BUCKET : 64", "SPECIAL : WATER_BUCKET"

LightningSpecial (LIGHTNING)

  • Special arguments map: <amount>
  • Description example: "SPECIAL : LIGHTNING : 4", "SPECIAL : LIGHTNING"

DiamondColumnSpecial (DIAMOND_COLUMN)

  • Special arguments map> <<block material>>

ExperienceExplosionSpecial (EXPERIENCE_EXPLOSION)

  • Special arguments map: <amount>

TntExplosionSpecial (TNT_EXPLOSION)

  • Special arguments map: <amount>
  • Description example: "SPECIAL : TNT_EXPLOSION : 4", "SPECIAL : TNT_EXPLOSION"

TntColumnSpecial (TNT_COLUMN)

  • Special arguments map: <amount>
  • Description example: "SPECIAL : TNT_COLUMN : 4", "SPECIAL : TNT_COLUMN"

WitchAttackSpecial (WITCH_ATTACK)

  • Special arguments map: <bats amount>
  • Description example: "SPECIAL : WITCH_ATTACK : 4", "SPECIAL : WITCH_ATTACK"

Placeholders for commands and messages:

COMMAND, OPPED, CONSOLE, MESSAGE drops placeholders:

  • %world% - World string name (Example: world_the_end)
  • %player% - Player name (Example: Danirod_Gaming)

COMMAND, OPPED, CONSOLE drops placeholders:

Location format is %<player/block>_<location/x/y/z>[_above_<value>][_move_(value,value,value)][_int]%
Now we will talk a bit more, with examples:

First argument <block/player> stands for LuckyBlock and Player that breaks LuckyBlock:
  • %block_location% - LuckyBlock location string (Example: -121.5 63.5 99122.5)
  • %player_location% - Player location string (Example: -125.27 64.13 99123.86)
Last param _int defines that location would be rounded:
  • %block_location_int% - Location rounded (Example: -121 63 99122) You possibly need this one ⚠
  • %player_location_int% - Location string (Example: -125 64 99123) You possibly need this one ⚠
Param move_(value,value,value) moves location to (value,value,value) vector:
  • %player_location_move_(1,2,1) - Location moved to offset of (x: 1, y: 2, z: 1), not rounded
  • %player_location_move_(1,2,1)_int - Location moved to offset of (x: 1, y: 2, z: 1), rounded
  • %block_x_move_(1,0,0)_int% - We take block location, move it 1 block for x and returns rounded x
Param above_<value> is something like move_(0,value,0) param, moving only for Y:
  • %<player/block>_location_above_<value>[_int] - Location with offset of "value" blocks high
    (Example: origin location is 0 0.5 2.65, with %<player/block>_location_above_10% you will get 0 10.5 2.65, with %<player/block>_location_above_-1_int% you will get 0 -1 2)

As for move_(value,value,value), above_value supports negative numbers, so %player_location_above_-1_int% is a location 1 block below the player

Deprecated, but still supported
  • %location% - Deprecated. (Same as %player_location%)
Combining is your power:

CONSOLE : fill %player_x_move_(-1,0,0)_int% %block_y_int% %player_z_move_(0,0,-1)_int% %player_x_move_(1,0,0)_int% %block_y_int% %player_z_move_(0,0,1)_int% tnt This simple console command fills 3x3 blocks with tnt at Player X and Z, but on LuckyBlocks Y